Moon Mother Hemp Co. CBD Products

Just in time for the start of a new year, our two Products of the Month are from Moon Mother Hemp Co., a Colorado-based company that provides high quality, pure CBD products including supplements, skincare and beauty products. All products for Moon Mother Hemp Co. are made from USDA certified organic hemp grown in Colorado.

Wise Woman Ritual Bath salts are made from a blend of Dead Sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, full spectrum CBD hemp extract, herbs and essential oils. This bath soak is perfect if you’re looking to unwind after a stressful day! Enjoy a long, luxurious soak in the tub and get ready for relaxed, soothed muscles, softer skin and a more calmed, rejuvenated state of mind.

Moon Mother Hemp Co.’s CBD Massage Oil is an indulgent CBD oil made of full-spectrum organic hemp. Along with only two other ingredients – lavender essential oil and jojoba oil – this hemp massage oil feels luxurious on your skin while providing beneficial plant compounds and much-needed moisture. Apply liberally to tense, sore muscles and massage well for best results. The oil absorbs quickly and easily into the skin, without leaving behind a greasy residue.

Enjoy 10% off these products all month long (January 1 – 31, 2023). To book a CBD Massage at Beach House, click here!